Webinar met RePlanIT: Showcasing Impact Measurement Research


3 juli 2024    
11:00 - 12:30

On the 3rd of July, from 11:00 till 12:00 the NCDD will host a webinar in collaboration with RePlanIT, showcasing how the research & prototypes developed during the project are already being used outside of RePlanIT.

The RePlanIT project started from the observation that business IT hardware is only used for three to four years. This is not sustainable, especially in combination with the ongoing digitalization of business processes. The pressure on the environment, CO2 emissions (including embodied energy) as well as supply risks to our digital infrastructure are getting bigger and bigger. The digital transition is competing with the energy transition for critical metals.

It is a known fact that we can reduce the demand for IT hardware if we could keep the existing hardware in use for a longer time. RePlanIT has created research-based prototypes that enable IT decision makers to quantify and capture this huge potential.

The programme will consist of the following parts:

Menno van Dijk (AMS Institute) will provide an introduction on the RePlanIT project.

Anelia Kurteva (TU Delft) will talk about the dynamic product passport ontology and how this could potentially be the basis for international standards (NCDD has already formed a working-group that wants to use this design as a proposal for EU)

Menno van Leeuwen (co-founder of Zirrow), will talk about his proposition to capture the potential for energy reduction (and potentially also server reduction) in data centers.

At the end there will be room for questions and discussion.

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